Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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denophora triphylla var. japonica / Tsuriganeninjin ツリガネニンジン

Bloom time: August-October

Campanulaceae /


Notes For Reference:-

Species, Varieties, or Forms in the Genus Adenophora:

Adenophora remotiflora / Sobana
Adenophora triphylla / Saiyoushajin
Adenophora triphylla var. japonica / Tsuriganeninjin
Adenophora triphylla var. japonica f. unpublished / Tsuriganeninjin-pink

Adenophora triphylla var. japonica f. albiflora / Shirobanatsuriganeninjin 

Adenophora triphylla var. japonica / Tsuriganeninjin ツリガネニンジン

Adenophora triphylla var. japonica is a perennial seen in grasslands in fields and mountains, with stems growing to 40-100cm in height, generally without branching. Three to four leaves attach to the branch in whorls, occasionally opposite or alternate. The shoot apex bears panicles, each arranging flowers in whorls at some intervals, the 1-3 bell-shaped corollas light purple, at times, white, the tips 5-cleft, more open. Bloom time: August-October.




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