Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Alangium platanifolium var. trilobum / Urinoki ウリノキ

Bloom time: June

Alangiaceae /


Species in the genus Alangium:

Alangium platanifolium var. trilobum / Urinoki


Alangium platanifolium var. trilobum / Urinoki ウリノキ

Alangium platanifolium var. trilobum, a deciduous shrub found in mountainous regions, grows to around three meters. Phyllotaxis is alternate; blades, with 5-10cm-long petioles, 7-20cm in length, cleft themselves in 3-5, and the lobes become long, pointed, and sharp, with heart-shaped bases with sparse vellus hairs and backsides with those hairs somewhat denser. Flowers,2-3 in number, white, set themselves in cymes that bear from axils; petals 6, 3-3.5cm long, linear, profoundly curl back as if to make circles. Stamens are 12 in number and about 3cm long. Anthers, yellow, are about the same size as filaments. Styles, one, are longer than the stamens. Bloom time: June.



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