Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Caltha palustris var. nipponica / Ryuukinka リュウキンカ

Bloom time: May-July

Ranunculaceae /


Notes For Reference:-

Species, Varieties, or Forms in the Genus Caltha:

Caltha palustris var. enkoso / Enkousou
Caltha palustris var. nipponica / Ryuukinka



Caltha palustris var. nipponica / Ryuukinka リュウキンカ

Caltha palustris var. nipponica, a perennial herb with a 30-50cm height, inhabits wetlands or water's edges. Leaves are orbicular, 5-10cm in size, with shallow serrations on margins. On-stem leaves are small. Stem tops and axils on upper parts set bright yellow flowers approximately 2cm in diameter. The flowers lack petals, which makes sepals look like petals. The sepals are 5-6 in number. Many stamens surround pistils. Bloom time: May-July.


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