Cirsium indefensum,
a perennial herb 1-2m in height, occurs in forests or grasslands
in mountainous regions. Stems stand straight up or diagonally
upwards, the upper halves branching and spreading in wide angles.
The on-stem leaves are of a subdued or intense texture, 20-30cm long
and 10-20cm wide, in the shape of a lanceolate or oblong, and with
pointed tips and entire or incised dentitions on the margins or
pinnately cut in halfway; the leaves have short peduncles,
otherwise, the basal parts embracing the stems. Flower heads
sparsely set themselves on the branch ends and bloom facing
downwards; involucres are cylindrical or narrow tube-shaped. The
involucral bracts, of a leathery texture, arranged in 12 columns,
are significantly short, the tips devaricating or recurved. Bloom
time: September-November. |