Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Kerria japonica / Yamabuki ヤマブキ

Bloom time: April-May

Rosaceae /


Species in the genus Kerria:

Kerria japonica / Yamabuki


Kerria japonica / Yamabuki ヤマブキ


Kerria japonica, a deciduous shrub, 1-2m in height, growing in clumps, inhabits damp locations, for example, along mountain rivers. New branches are green and ridged and turn brown in due time, 3-4years in general. Leaves are alternate; blades measure 4-8cm long, 2-4cm wide, in the shape of an obovate or long-ovate, with tips sharply pointed and bases round- or heart-shaped, and with double serrations on margins. Cadmium yellow flowers set themselves singly on the ends of new lateral branches. The flowers are 3-5cm across; petals are obovate, tips round, and somewhat dented, with many stamens and 5-8 females (styles). Bloom time: April-May.





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