Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Lespedeza cuneata / Medohagi メドハギ

Bloom time: August-October

Fabaceae /


Species in the genus Lespedeza:

Lespedeza bicolor / Yamahagi
Lespedeza bicolor f. niveoflora / Shirobanayamahagi
Lespedeza cuneata / Medohagi
Lespedeza cuneata var. serpens / Haimedohagi
Lespedeza pilosa / Nekohagi
Lespedeza tomentosa / Inuhagi
Lespedeza virgata / Makiehagi



Lespedeza cuneata / Medohagi メドハギ


Lespedeza cuneata is a perennial herb that occurs in sunny grasslands or roadsides. Stems grow to 0.6-1m height and somewhat lignify with adpressed hairs. Leaves comprise three leaflets that densely attach to the branches. The leaflets are 1-2.5cm long, 2-4mm wide, in a cuneate to oblanceolate shape, with adpressed hairs on the back surfaces. Flowers, yellow-white and 6-7mm long, set themselves some each at an axil. Legumes are flatly circular or broad oblong. Bloom time: August-October.





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