Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Lotus corniculatus var. japonicus / Miyakogusa ミヤコグサ

Bloom time: April-October

Fabaceae /


Species in the genus Lotus:

Lotus corniculatus var. japonicus / Miyakogusa


Lotus corniculatus var. japonicus / Miyakogusa ミヤコグサ

Lotus corniculatus var. japonicus, a perennial herb, occurs on roadsides, grasslands, or seashores; stems crawl on the ground and expand and grow to 15-35cm in height. In an obovate-like oblong, the leaves are 0.6-1.3cm long and 3-8mm wide. Peduncles emerge from axils and set one to three 1-1.5cm-in-length yellow, vivid flowers. Two carinae coalescent to become tubular so that pollen may accumulate in them. Bloom time: April-October.




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