Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Oreorchis koreana / Kokeiranmodoki コケイランモドキ

Bloom time: June-July

Orchidaceae /


Notes For Reference:-

Species, Varieties, or Forms in the Genus Oreorchis:

Oreorchis_coreana / Kokeiranmodoki
Oreorchis patens / Kokeiran

Oreorchis koreana / Kokeiranmodoki コケイラン モドキ


Oreorchis koreana: A 30-60cm tall perennial orchid species with two, about 30cm long leaves at the base, with vertical lines, inhabits damp spots under the shade of ferns or a tree in forests in mountainous regions. Leaves are in the lanceolate shape, approximately 30cm in length and 2cm in width, with pointed tips. The flowers so closely resemble O. patens that it is challenging to tell one from the other: with O. koreana, peduncles are blackish purple, sepals and petals are yellowish orange to brownish green, and white broad, almost flat lips with purple dots and fan-shaped undulate ends; the lip's ends at right and left lobes bend inside. In O. patens, the peduncles are green, the flowers are brownish-yellow, and the lip's right and left lobes are straight or bent outside. Bloom time is June-July, about a month later than O. patens.





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