Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Rubia chinensis var. glabrescens / Ookinutasou オオキヌタソウ

Bloom time: May-July

Rubiaceae /


Species in the genus Rubia:

Rubia akane / Akane
Rubia chinensis var. glabrescens / Ookinutasou
Rubia cordifolia var. pratensis / Kurumabaakane


Rubia chinensis var. glabrescens / Ookinutasou オオキヌタソウ

Rubia chinensis var. glabrescens, a perennial herb of 30-60cm in height, grows in forests in mountainous regions with no hairs. Phyllotaxis is a whorl of four leaves with petioles in the shape of an oval or broad-lanceolate, 6-10cm long. Stem tips or axils emerge cymes which set many flowers. Corollas are green-white, 3-4mm in diameter, and cut in 4-5; the lobes are oval. Sap fruit is spherical and matures in black. Bloom time: May-July.




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