Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Rubus palmatus / Nagabamomijiichigo ナガバモミジイチゴ

Bloom time: April-May

Rosaceae /


Notes For Reference:- 

Species, Varieties, or Forms in the Genus Rubus:

Rubus buergeri(Fruit) / Fuyuichigo
Rubus corchorifolius / Birohdoichigo
Rubus crataegifolius (fruit) / Kumaichigo
Rubus hirsutus / Kusaichigo
Rubus microphyllus / Nigaichigo
Rubus palmatus / Nagabamomijiichigo
Rubus palmatus var. coptophyllus / Momijiichigo
Rubus parvifolius / Nawashiroichigo
Rubus pectinellus / Kobanofuyuichigo
Rubus phoenicolasius / Ebigaraichigo
Rubus trifidus / Kajiichigo
Rubus yoshinoi / Kibinawashiroichigo



Rubus palmatus / Nagabamomijiichigo ナガバモミジイチゴ

Rubus palmatus, a deciduous shrub inhabiting sunny forest edges, grows to approximately 2m in height, without hairs but with straight prickles on stems and branches. Leaves are in an alternate arrangement, with blades in the shape of a long ovate; some are cleft in 3-5, some not, and the central leaflets are significantly longer than the others, tips pointed, and margins double serrated. Flowers bloom facing downward; petals, 5 in number, are oblong or long oblong. Fruit, 1-1.5cm across, spherical, matures in orange-yellow. Bloom time: April.




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