Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Thalictrum filamentosum var. tenerum / Miyamakaramatsu ミヤマカラマツ

Bloom time: May-August

Ranunculaceae / Kinpougeka  

Species in the genus Thalictrum:

Thalictrum actaefolium / Shiginkaramatsu
Thalictrum filamentosum var. tenerum / Miyamakaramatsu
Thalictrum minus var.hypoleucum / Akikaramatsu


Thalictrum filamentosum var. tenerum / Miyamakaramatsu ミヤマカラマツ

Thalictrum filamentosum var. tenerum is a height of 20-70cm perennial herb found in damp places along valleys in hilly districts, often emerging runners. Radical leaves, with long petioles, are of bi- to triternate compound leaves; leaflets are oblong, with some notches, backsides being powdery white. Stem tips bear corymb-like inflorescences and set many white flowers in them; white club-like stamens are conspicuous. Bloom time: May-August.



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