Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Wasabia tenuis / Yuriwasabi ユリワサビ

Bloom time: March-May

Brassiaceae /


Species in the genus Wasabia:

Wasabia japonica / Wasabi
Wasabia tenuis / Yuriwasabi


Wasabia tenuis / Yuriwasabi ユリワサビ

Wasabia tenuis is a perennial that occurs in damp places along mountain streams; stems crawl on the ground, and the upper parts diagonally grow to 20-30cm in height. Rhizomes are short and radical leaves with long petioles, are in the shape of an orbicular-ovate or renal-circular, 2-5cm across, with bases cordate and wavy serrations on margins. On-stem leaves are small-sized and have alternate phyllotaxis. Stem tips give racemes and set approximately 1cm-in-diameter white 4-petaled flowers in them. Bloom time: March-May.




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