Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Cornus macrophylla / Kumanomizuki クマノミズキ

Bloom time: June-July

Cornaceae /


Species in the genus Cornus:

Cornus kousa /
Cornus macrophylla / Kumanomizuki


Cornus macrophylla / Kumanomizuki クマノミズキ

Cornus macrophylla, a deciduous tree 8-12m in height, grows to as large as 30cm in diameter, with green or red-brown ridged branches. Leaves are opposite, gathering together at the branch tips; blades are 6-15cm long, 3-7cm wide, ovate-like long-oblong, tips sharply pointed in a tail way, bases are broadly cuneate, with entire margins. The branch tops emerge corymbs above the leaves and densely set yellow-white flowers in them; petals are 4 in number, 4-5mm long, narrow, long-oblong; stamens are four and style one. Drupes are spherical, approximately 5mm in diameter, and mature purple-black in July-October. Bloom time: June-July.



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