Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Menziesia ciliicalyx / Usugiyouraku ウスギヨウラク

Bloom time: April-June

Ericaceae /


Species in the genus Menziesia:

Menziesia ciliicalyx / Usugiyouraku


Menziesia ciliicalyx / Usugiyouraku ウスギヨウラク

Menziesia ciliicalyx, a deciduous shrub of 1-2m in height, inhabits forest edges or the shade of a rock in mountainous regions. Leaves are in an alternate arrangement, gathering together at branch tops. Blades measure 2-5cm long, 1.5-2.5 long, in the shape of an oblong or long-oblong, with sharp or somewhat obtuse tips and bases acute, with hairs on margins. Petioles are 1-3mm long with no coats. Branch tips set 1-8 yellow-green-white flowers together. Corollas are 1.2-1.8cm long, tubular, and shallowly cleft in five. Inside the floral tubes are dense hairs. Peduncles measure 1-3cm long, with glandular hairs, and calyxes are saucer-shaped, with thick glandular hairs on the margins. Bloom time: April-June.




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