Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Pourthiaea villosa var. leavis / Kamatsuka カマツカ

Bloom time: April-June

Rosaceae /


Species in the genus Pourthiaea:

Pourthiaea villosa var. leavis / Kamatsuka


Pourthiaea villosa var. leavis / Kamatsuka カマツカ

Pourthiaea villosa var. leavis: It is a deciduous small tree or tree that occurs in sunny forest edges or the like, growing to 5-7m in height. Long branches alternate leaves, and brachyblasts set them in a way in whorls; blades are 4-7cm long, broadly obovate to narrowly obovate, with papery texture and margins with fine sharp serrations. Both surfaces are next to hairless, but occasionally with some white vellus hairs on midribs. Compound umbels on the brachyblasts set 10-20 about 1cm-in-diameter white flowers; petals are almost circular, with sparse white vellus hairs inside bases. Bloom time: April-June.




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