Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Skimmia japonica var. intermedia f. repens / Tsurushikimi ツルシキ

Bloom time: April-May

Rutaceae /



Species in the genus Skimmia:

Skimmia japonica / Miyamashikimi
Skimmia japonica var. intermedia f. repens / Tsurushikimi

Skimmia japonica var. intermedia f. repens / Tsurushikimi ツルシキミ

Skimmia japonica var. intermedia f. repens is an evergreen shrub inhabiting the upper parts of forests of mountainous regions. The trunk's lower legs crawl, and upper parts stand erect to grow to approximately 50cm, with gray-, when young, green barks. Leaves are of alternate phyllotaxis, blades measure 6-13cm in length, 1.5-5cm in width, in the shape of an obovate-like long-oblong, with tips obtuse, bases cuneate, and margins entire. Also, they feel leathery, with glossy surfaces and transparent pellucid dots on the backsides. Corymbose panicles put themselves on branch tips and set many 4- or occasionally 5-petaled flowers. Fruit (drupes), spherical, 1cm across, mature red. Bloom time: April-May.  



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