Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Spergula arvensis var. sativa / Ootsumekusa オオツメクサ

Bloom time: April-August

Caryophyllaceae /


Species in the genus Spergula:

Spergula arvensis var. sativa / Ootsumekusa


Spergula arvensis var. sativa / Ootsumekusa オオツメクサ

Spergula arvensis var. sativa, an annual herb originating in Europe, lives wild in fields or grasslands, growing to 30-50cm in height, with glandular hairs on upper stems, peduncles, and leaves. The leaves are linear, 1.5-4cm long; phyllotaxis is correctly opposite but seemingly in-whorls as axils give too many brachyblasts with short internodes. Stem tips are sparsely set white flowers with five sepals and petals 3-4mm long. Bloom time: April-August.




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