Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Ipomoea lacunosa f. urpurata / Benibanamameasagao ベニバナマメアサガオ

Bloom time: Summer through Autumn

Convolvulaceae /


Notes For Reference:-

Species, Varieties, or Forms in the Genus Ipomoea:

Ipomoea lacunosa / Mameasagao
Ipomoea lacunosa f. urpurata / Benibanamameasagao

Ipomoea lacunosa f. urpurata / Benibanamameasagao ベニバナマメアサガオ

IIpomoea lacunosa f. urpurata is an annual herb introduced from North America. It is a light reddish-purple form of Ipomoea lacunosa, found on riversides or roadsides. Stems are vines that twine themselves around other vegetation and climb upwards. Leaves are alternate, each aperture in 3-5, in the shape of the heart, with long peduncles. Leaf axils bear funnel-shaped, light red-purple flowers approximately 3 cm in diameter. Bloom time: summer through autumn.




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