Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Portulaca pilosa / Himematsubabotan ヒメマツバボタン

Bloom time: July-September

Portulacaceae /


Notes For Reference:-

Species, Varieties, or Forms in the Genus Portulaca:

Portulaca oleracea / Suberihiyu
Portulaca pilosa / Himematsubabotan

Portulaca pilosa / Himematsubabotan ヒメマツバボタン


Portulaca pilosa is a naturalized annual succulent found in western Japan in dry, sunny areas like roadsides, with branches crawling 20-30cm long on the ground. Leaves are alternate, 5-20cm long, 1.5-3mm wide, of fleshy texture, and in shape of a flattened cylinder, with prominent white hairs at the bases. Stem tips set some, about 1cm-in-diameter, 5-petaled, red-purple flowers. Bloom time: July-September.





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