Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Chrysanthemum indicum / Shimakangiku シマカンギク

Bloom time: October-December

Asteraceae /


Notes For Reference:-

Species, Varieties, or Forms in the Genus Chrysanthemum:

Chrysanthemum indicum / Shimakangiku
Chrysanthemum indicum var. maruyamanum /
Chrysanthemum japonens var. debile / Setonojigiku
Chrysanthemum makinoi / Ryuunougiku
Chrysanthemum okiense / Okinoaburagiku
Chrysanthemum x aphrodite / San'ingiku
Chrysanthemum x shimotomaii / Nijigahamagiku


Chrysanthemum indicum / Shimakangiku シマカンギク

Chrysanthemum indicum, with its yellow flowers around 2.5cm across, inhabits the bright fringe at the feet of mountains. Distinguishing it from the other yellow chrysanthemums is difficult. The most crucial point is that the involucral bracts form four lines upward, but this is also difficult to observe. Bloom time: October-December.



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