Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Euphorbia jolkinii / Iwataigeki イワタイゲキ

Bloom time: April-June

Euphorbiaceae /


Species in the genus Euphobia:

Euphorbia jolkinii / Iwataigeki
Euphorbia maculata / Oonishikisou
Euphorbia pekinensis / Takatoudai
Euphorbia sieboldiana / Natsutoudai
Euphorbia supina / Konishikisou



Euphorbia jolkinii / Iwataigeki イワタイゲキ


Euphorbia jolkinii is a perennial herb 30-50cm in height that inhabits rocky areas on seashores. It forms colonial clusters with well-developed rhizomes that enter cracks deep. The stems are thick, and alternate leaves are dense, 4-7cm long, long-oblong or oblanceolate. The stems set some leaves in a whorl on their ends, radiate branches in all directions from leaf axils, and bear ochathiums (cup-shaped inflorescences) with yellow flowers. Bloom time: April-June.




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