Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Galium trifidum ssp. colombianum / Hosobanoyotsubamugura ホソバノヨツバムグラ

Bloom time: June-August

Rubiaceae /


Notes For Reference:- 

Species, Varieties, or Forms in the Genus Galium:

Galium japonicum / Kurumamugura
Galium kamtschaticum var. acutifolium / Oobanoyotsubamugura
Galium kikumugura / Kikumugura
Galium kinuta / Kinutasou
Galium odorata / Kurumabasou
Galium spurium var. echinospermon / Yaemugura
Galium trachyspermum / Yotsubamugura
Galium trifloriforme / Okukurumamugura
Galium trifidum ssp. colombianum / Hosobanoyotsubamugura
Galium verum ssp. asiaticum / Kibanakawaramatsuba
Galium verum ssp. asiaticum f. lacteum / Kawaramatsuba


Galium trifidum ssp. colombianum / Hosobanoyotsubamugura ホソバノヨツバムグラ

Galium trifidum ssp. colombianum, a perennial herb of 20-30cm in height, occurs in wetlands; stems have four ridges on which there are some downward hairs, and occasionally their bases creep on the ground. Leaves are generally in whorls of 4, sometimes 5-6, each 0.7-1.4cm in length, 3-5mm in width, in the shape of a narrow long-oblong or oblanceolate, tips round, and with some stinging hairs on margins and backsides. Flowers generally cut themselves in three, and stamens are typically three in number. Bloom time: June-August.




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