Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Gastrodia pubilabiata f. castanea / Bengarayatsushiroran ベンガラヤツシロラン

Bloom time: September-October

Orchidaceae / Ranka



Notes For Reference:-

Species, Varieties, or Forms in the Genus Gastrodia:

Gastrodia elata / Oninoyagara
Gastrodia elata f. pallen / Shirotenma
Gastrodia pubiabiata / Kuroyatsushiroran

Gastrodia pubilabiata f. castanea / Bengarayatsushiroran
Gastrodia verrucosa / Akizakityatsushiroran

Gastrodia pubilabiata f. castanea / Bengarayatsushiroran ベンガラヤツシロラン


Gastrodia pubilabiata f. castanea (Japanese name:Bengarayatsushiroran) is described as a new form of Gastrodia pubilabiata in 1979 (Fukunaga,H.,et al.). Taxonomic characteristics: The original species' flowers are black or purple-brown, while the new form's flowers are red-brown. The other differences between the two could be more apparent. Bloom time: September-October.




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