Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Aster ageratoides ssp. leiophyllus / Shiroyomena シロヨメナ

Bloom time: August-November

Family: Astereraceae /


Species in the genus Aster:

Aster ageratoides ssp. leiophyllus / Shiroyomena
Aster fastigiatus / Himeshion
Aster glehnii var. hondoensis / Gomana
Aster_microcephalus_var. ovatus / Nokongiku
Aster scabe / Shirayamagiku
Aster semiamplexicaulis / Inakagiku
Aster spathulifolius / Darumagiku
Aster subulatus var. obtusifolius / Houkigiku
Aster tripolium / Uragiku

Aster ageratoides ssp. leiophyllus / Shiroyomena シロヨメナ

Aster ageratoides ssp. leiophyllus, a perennial of 0.3-1m in height, inhabits forest fields and mountains. Leaves are oblong-like lanceolate, with sharply pointed tips, wedge-shaped bases, and margins with significant serrations. Flower heads measure 1.5-2cm in diameter; the involucres are tubular and approximately 4mm long. Achene's pappus is approximately 4mm in length. Bloom time: August-November.




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