Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物


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Chrysosplenium kiotense f. xanthandrum / Kinshibebotannekonomesou キンシベボタンネコノメソウ

Bloom time: April-May

Saxifragaceae /


Species in the genus Chrysosplenium:

Chrysosplenium album / Shirobananekonomesou
Chrysosplenium echinus / Iwanekonomesou
Chrysosplenium fauriei / Hokurikunekonomesou
Chrysosplenium fauriae f. ferruginiflorum / San'innekonome
Chrysosplenium flagelliferum / Tsurunekonomesou
Chrysosplenium grayanum / Nekonomesou
Chrysosplenium japonicum / Yamanekonomesou
Chrysosplenium kiotense / Botannekonomesou
Chrysosplenium kiotense f. xanthandrum / Kinshibebotannekonomesou
Chrysosplenium macrostemon / Iwabotan
Chrysosplenium macrostemon var. shiobarense / Nikkounekonome
Chrysosplenium nagasei var. nagasei / Hidabotan
Chrysosplenium pilosum / Koganenekonomesou
Chysosplenium tosaense /


Chrysosplenium kiotense f. xanthandrum / Kinshibebotannekonomesou キンシベボタンネコノメソウ


Chrysosplenium kiotense f. xanthandrum, a perennial herb, occurs in streamsides or wetlands in valleys in hilly districts. Flower stalks grow to approximately 10cm in height, with one or no pair of the opposite, oblong leaves about halfway and with bracts, about half part yellow, on tops. Flowers are: calyx lobes tinge green and anthers yellow, and the position of the anthers is lower than the tips of the calyx lobes. When flowering is over, runners extend to set 2-3 pairs of leaves adjacent to each other in a rosette way, and winter. Bloom time: April-May.





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