Wild plants in and around Shimane 島根とその周辺の野生植物

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SPRING (March- May)        SUMMER (June-August)        AUTUMN (September-November)       WINTER (December-February)
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The blossoming of plum trees heralds the end of winter in Japan. As the Siberian air masses that dominate the winter weaken, high and low pressure alternately pass through Japan. When enveloped by the high-pressure atmosphere, the weather is generally good, with lots of sun and warmth, but cold at night. On the other hand, when low pressure passes, there is usually lots of rainfall caused by the moisture brought in by the westerlies from the Sea of Japan. Above is the outline of the characteristics of the springtime weather.

No. 1    No. 2    No. 3    No. 4    No. 5    No. 6    No. 7    No. 8    No. 9    No. 10    No. 11    No. 12    No. 13

Abelia serrata / Kotsukubaneutsugi Abelia spathulata / Tsukubaneutsugi Abelia tetraspada / Ootsukubaneutsugi Acer carpinifolium / Chidorinoki
Acer crataegifolium / Urikaede Acer japonicum / Hauchiwakaedde Acer micranthum / Kominekaede Acer_mono_var._macroratum_
Acer rufinerve / Urihadakaede Adoxa moschatellina / Renpukusou Ajuga decumbens / Kiransou Ajuga decumbens f. purprina / Momoirokiransou
Ajuga japonicum / Ougikazura Ajuga makinoi / Tachikiransou Ajuga nipponensis / Juunihitoe Ajuga x  mixta / Juunikiransou
Ajuga yezoensis / Nishikigoromo Ajuga yezoensis f. albiflora / Shirobananishikigoromo Akebia quinata / Akebi Akebia trifoliata / Mitsubaakebi
Akebia x pentaphylla / Goyouakebi Aletris spicata / Sokushinran Allium monanthum / Himenira Alnus japonica / Hannoki
Alnus pendula / Himeyashabushi Alnus serrulatoides / Kawarahannoki Alnus sieboldii / Oobayashabushi Amelanchier asiatica / Zaifuriboku
Amsonia elliptica / Choujisou Anagallis arvensis / Rurihkobe Anagallis arvensis / Akabanarurihakobe Anemone flaccida / Nirinsou
Anemone keiskeana / Yukiwariichige Anemone nikoensis / Ichirinsou Anemone nikoensis f. plena / Yaeichirinsou Anemone pseudo-altaica / Kikuzakiichige
Anemone reddeana / Azumaichige Anodendron affine / Sakakikazura Anthoxanthum odoratum / Harugaya Aquilegia buergeriana var. oxysepala / Ooyamaodamaki
Arabis flagellosa / Suzushirosou Anthriscus sylvestris / Shaku    

No. 1    No. 2    No. 3    No. 4    No. 5    No. 6    No. 7    No. 8    No. 9    No. 10    No. 11    No. 12    No. 13





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